When you are a first time parent, everything is terrifying. I remember just laying in the hospital bed with my husband at my side and our newborn daughter sleeping in her little bassinet wondering if she was still breathing. Thoughts running through my mind like “Is the swaddle too close to her mouth? Did we swaddle her too tight, can she breathe? I think we should page the nurse to make sure she’s swaddled correctly”.

Oh man, the hospital was scary, and coming home was even scarier. But don’t worry, once you’re holding that sweet little squishy baby, it makes all that worry worth it. But let me tell you what 8 products helped us the most and that we couldn’t live without, and really the rest you’ll gather along the way. Every baby is different and every set of parents do things their own way, but these 8 things worked wonders for us, and friends of ours that gave me the seal of approval on these recommendations.

A lot of people buy the Boppy Nursing Pillow, but this Boppy Lounger is a game changer. I could set Edie down right next to me on the couch and she would be cradled and safe and oh so comfy. We also took this pillow wherever we went! Went to dinner at our parents’ house, Edie would chill on this lounger while we were all eating! I actually didn’t have this right when she born, we bought it when she was almost a month old… but man, I wish I would have had it from day 1. If you are going to be a pumping mama, this is wonderful because you can sit comfortably on the couch and have your baby right beside you (to squish them, feed them… whatever is needed)

This sleeper rocks and vibrates and even plays sounds. The newer version that I have linked can now even be controlled from your phone! This was a lifesaver. I could bring this into the kitchen when I needed to cook, or I could set Edie in this and know she was safe if I needed to run and switch out laundry or hop in the shower. I honestly dragged this thing all over the house, even outside! We also took it with us if we knew we were going to spend the afternoon somewhere, because she could nap and relax in it. To clarify, she did not sleep in this full time. There have been warnings that neck developement can be impacted if babies sleep in this full time, so just be aware and consult your doctor. Edie slept in her bassinet/crib for naps and sleeping overnight, but there were times when she had a cold and was super congested that she slept in this for a few nights because it angled her up and she could actually breathe. Best baby shower gift EVER.

Whenever Edie went down for a nap or to bed for the night, we always put her Owlet monitor on. This monitor allowed us to see her oxygen levels and heart rate in real time. Edie was actually born 4 weeks early and in the hospital she was having trouble passing her car seat test (preemies have to be able to sit in a car seat buckled in for hour without their oxygen levels dropping) so we of course were a little nervous bringing her home. My Dad ended up buying this monitor and we used it until she was over a year old! One day, the alarm did go off and it wasn’t a false alarm (we occasionally got a false alarm if the sock wasn’t on right). She had rolled into her giraffe. Geno that she sleeps with, and even though she probably would have moved on her own (she was old enough that she could roll over), we were in her room within seconds and took care of the issue before we had the chance to find out. I’ve read stories that this monitor has helped detect heart issues and other vital things that would normally go unnoticed in small babies. Not to mention the piece of the mind it gives you as a parent. My father-in-law told us that when my husband was a baby, we would go into his room and just lay is palm on my husband’s chest to make sure he was still breathing. It’s crazy that now we can just pull up the data on our phones and know that everything is okay.
4. Carrier for Baby-Wearing; Lillebaby & Boba

Baby Carriers are a must! Allows you to be hands-free and guess what, it’s where your baby wants to be! They want to be as snuggled up next to you as possible! And let me tell you, enjoy it. Every single minute of it. Once they start sitting up and crawling, they want to take in the world and don’t want to be tied down (or in my case strapped into a baby carrier).

I had two that I LOVED. Living in the Midwest, I ended up buying the Lillebaby Airflow. This carrier is mostly mesh and very breathable. It gets very hot and humid where I live, and Edith was born in July. Do the math, it was HOT. Lillebabyh is a more structured carrier with back support. The support for baby also changes as your baby grows. Edie fell asleep in it ALL the time and I never was uncomfortable wearing it.

The second carrier I had was a Boba wrap. This wrap was awesome for when Edie was a newborn and still small. It was comfy and squished her against me in all the right ways. I know that wraps sometimes look confusing to put on but once you do it a couple times, it’s super easy to get the hang of. I will say that the Boba is made of very thick material, and living in the Midwest in the summer when Edie was small, it got a little hot at times. With our next baby, I still want a soft wrap but might look into the Solly wrap. I just couldn’t justify spending the money since we already had one from my baby shower, but might invest in a lighter fabric wrap if we have another summer baby!

As a kid, I lived in a jumper like this. And let me tell you, it was worth every penny when we got one for Edie. She jumped in this thing for hours. We could hang it up outside, and easily take it over to other houses. It’s so easy to put up and down, and isn’t very big… and babies LOVE them! At least ours did! A friend of mine couldn’t get her son out of it either. Great excercise and would wear Edie out. Plus it gave me time to take a shower or put away laundry while she was happily hopping along. I bought the Graco brand doorway jumper because it had a bumper around the entire seat — which is necessary, babies are crazy.
Here are some other options on Amazon:
6. Baby Monitor: Lollipop

We wanted a baby monitor that was secure but also easy to use. I cannot say enough good things about the Lollipop monitor! I didn’t want to mess with a monitor that came with a free standing screen, just one more thing to keep charged and not lose. Lollipop effortlessly connects to your phone or tablet, and you can give temporary access if you have a babysitter. We bought two because we originally had one on the bassinet in our bedroom for overnight, and one in Edie’s bedroom above her crib when she napped during the day. Now we have them both in her room and I love it! If she is in her room playing, I can pull it up on my phone while I’m cooking dinner to see what she’s up to. You can also buy an attachment that monitors temperature and air quality.

You can find the camera here linked below. I also linked the sensor that you can buy that monitors air quality and temperature.

This seat was amazing! Once Edie finally had neck control, this gave her the support she needed to sit up comfortably and take in the world around her. Our family loved this seat, because for family meals Edie would sit on the counter and be part of the cooking and social hour. It was so much fun!
8. Mirrorhand Seat Protector

Although in this picture, Edith doesn’t look happy… Mama was! When I first started making small trips to the grocery store or to run another errand, I was so freaked out not being able to see Edie. I remember the first time I left the house with Edie by myself (with me driving in the front seat and not not in the back with her) I pulled over a couple times because I was convinced something was wrong. This mirror was a game changer. It’s easy to see the baby and still see out the back window in your rear view mirror. I would also highly recommend this seat protector, it protects the bottom of your seat from the sharp ridges of a car seat. As your baby grows, this protector shields your seats from dirty footprints and food spills.
Are you expecting a baby soon? Feel free to comment with questions or send me a message! Also, if you’ve had a baby, what were your “can’t live withouts”? When we have our second baby, there are few new things I want to try!
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