I’m going to start this off with that I’m guilty getting sucked into all the Kondo hype. Actually, I caught the bug a few years ago when I read her book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I probably got rid of ten contractor bags full of stuff, and I will admit, I felt so much lighter. But over . . .
Yarn Social KC
Down the street from our home, a new little yarn shop has opened their doors to share beautiful and squishy yarn with yarn lovers all over Kansas City. This cute little yarn shop is Yarn Social. And like its name, it’s a wonderful place to gather and shop. In addition to being a yarn store, . . .
West Bottoms KC
Looking for something fun to do on the weekend? If you venture downtown across the 12th street bridge, there are thousands of treasures to be found in the West Bottoms. The West Bottoms actually used to be referred to as the French Bottoms, a place of trade between the French trappers and . . .
Avocado Egg Bites
Who doesn’t love an easy meal? I am actually snacking on this as I write this blog post. Not only is this super easy to make, it’s packed full of protein and healthy fats. You’ll need an avocado, two hard boiled eggs, a cucumber (you’ll probably use about half of one), and Trader Joe’s . . .
Hot Mess Spice Drawer
I am in a constant state of always trying to improve our home. In an ideal world, I want to fix or improve something before it becomes frustrating... but this time frustration fueled this project. First, I started looking for spice jars that I liked online. Let’s be real, shopping with a one . . .
Recycling Clothing that Sparks Joy
You might read the title of this post and think, “Wait, if it sparks joy, then why recycle it?”. Well, here’s the thing... The Marie Kondo purge that has taken over the world at the moment, thanks Netflix, has inspired me to go through my house again. I read her book a few years ago and actually was . . .
DIY Chalkpaint
In our home, most of our furniture has been handed down to us, or previously loved. Most of our furniture, I love. Some of our furniture... I don’t love so much. A few pieces we have, I walk past them on a daily basis and want to change them in some way... make it more fitting for our home. If . . .
5 Ingredient Cake Mix Cookies
If you need a quick and easy recipe for cookies, this is the one for you. It’s simple — cake mix, an egg, some pumpkin and you’re golden! What you need: One box of cake mix (white or chocolate)One can of pumpkin purée One eggOne bag of chocolate chipsTwo tablespoons pumpkin . . .
10 Best Buys at Costco for a Family on a Budget
Like many families, we are a family that is on a budget. I wish I could say it was by choice, but rather by necessity. My husband Justin and I joke (or daydream) what it would be like to just walk into the grocery store and buy whatever we wanted... the possibilities limitless on what we . . .
A Snapshot of our time here on Bell Street
Our story on Bell Street started a little over four years ago when we were searching for a house to call our own. There was a certain area of Kansas City that we wanted to be in, close to the art district, unique shops and mom and pop restaurants. The house we’re in now, I remember seeing it for the . . .